Parker Coonawarra Estate Terra Rossa First Growth 1994 Wine Tasting Review
Oldies can be goodies. And two better than one. Enough of the cliches.
With friend on hand for vintage 2016, it is occasion enough to pull out some oldies and see if they still shine.
Two cab dominant blends were lined up, their soft corks removed, and dispensed into three glasses.
Find out how the Howard Park fared here.
Parker Coonawarra Estate Terra Rossa First Growth 1994 Wine Tasting Review
Well Looky Here
Rusty, port coloured.
Sniff Sniff
Richer, sweeter than the Howard Park.
More spiciness.
Still some green capsicum.
Barest whiff of dried mint.
Touch of dusty floral.
Sip Sip
Smooth, full body. Capsicum savouriness, with balanced sweetness and juiciness..
Savoury and complex, a great food wine.
Nom Nom
Drink with pungent, oozy, aged washed rind cheese, quince paste and Tuckers Supergrains crackers.
The washed rind surprisingly adds floral notes to the vino.
Gimmie Gimmie
Long sold out – you could try auctions.
Value – good.
Bronze – quite drinkable.
Pinnable Image:
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