Moonlake Clare Valley Riesling 2010 Wine Tasting Review
Sun on my back.
Menagerie of wine dogs at my feet.
Surrounded by chatter and laughter.
Spoiled with a platter of cheese and my glass charged with a summer perfect vino.
This is the magic of our Willunga Aperitivo tradition.

Moonlake Clare Valley Riesling 2010 Wine Tasting Review. Photo: Willunga Wino
Moonlake Clare Valley Riesling 2010 Wine Tasting Review
Well Looky Here
Light bush-flower-honey yellow.
Sniff Sniff
Sweeter nectarines than most riesling – which reveals its’ age
Touch of fizzy lemon sherbert
Maturing marmalade aromas
Sip Sip
Flavours follow through identically from the nose.
Still has lovely acid but it has softened beautifully to be nicely balanced.
Nom Nom
Drink with pungent, oozy, aged washed rind cheese, quince paste and Tuckers Supergrains crackers.
The washed rind surprisingly adds floral notes to the vino.
Gimmie Gimmie
$18 from Virgin Wines.
12% alcohol.
Value – good.
Bronze – quite drinkable.
Pinnable Image:
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