Whitefeather Fizz Dancing Dove NV Wine Tasting Review

Whitefeather Fizz Dancing Dove NV


We didn’t drink enough fizz this Festivus. 

There was the Veuve, the Claude de Fils, the Tomahawk Sparkling Shiraz, the Moet et Chandon, and then this, the Whitefeather Dancing Dove.  

Actually, that’s not a bad list.

We finished it off with a glass of Rockford Black Shiraz and a glass of Billiecart Salmon on Jan 2nd as well at the Victory Hotel. As you do.

The builder working on the landscaping ‘Backyard Blitz’ next door stopped us in the street while we were walking the #winedog one day – leant out the window of his ute and apologised for the noise and dust over the past 6 months, and said he was dropping some bubbly off at our door.


This was that fizz.

PS The dust continues. Le sigh.


Whitefeather Fizz Dancing Dove NV Wine Tasting Review

Whitefeather Fizz Dancing Dove NV. Photo: Willunga Wino


Whitefeather Fizz Dancing Dove NV

Well Looky Here

Light golden yellow.

Medium sized, slow moving bead.

Sniff Sniff

Apricot blossoms, toasted almonds.

Nanna’s apricot jam on buttered crumpets.

Clean, fresh. 

Sip Sip

Surprisingly full palate.

Touch of marzipan nice and foamy in the mouth.

Rich, sweet apricot and soft acid that is just enough to keep the flavours rolling.

Nom Nom

We paired it with our tray-bake-bbq-breakfast beautifully.

Later in the day, we had a glass as an aperitivo with a wedge of B.D Farm Paris Creek Nuage Blanc, Tuckers Natural Spiced Cherry Paste, and Tuckers Natural Poppy Seed Crackers. Brilliant.

Gimmie Gimmie

Price unknown – available at Cellar Door.

12.5% alcohol.


Value – fair.

Sub bronze – quaffable.


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Whitefeather Fizz Dancing Dove NV Wine Tasting Review

















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