Kilikanoon Mort’s Block Riesling 2009 Wine Tasting Review
Happy Monday.
Radelaide gave us an extra kick in the teeth with 38 degree temperatures rendering anything left in the car ruined and morning dog walking a sweatfest.
With new favourite dinner of pesto veggies and fish – smoked salmon fillet for Mr Wino and Gardein Vege-Fish for me – we needed something lively, crisp and that could stand up to salty pesto.

Kilikanoon Morts Block Watervale Riesling 2009. Photo: Willunga Wino
Kilikanoon Mort’s Block Watervale Riesling 2009 Wine Tasting Review
Well Looky Here
Rich, golden yellow.
Sniff Sniff
Honeyed apricots. Clear, crisp lemon blossom.
Sip Sip
A touch of residual sweetness still holds balance with the juicy acidity.
Surprisingly medium body, that coats the palate and continues the marmalade flavours on and on.
Nom Nom
Drink with green veg and baby potatoes tossed with some quality pesto, and some fish. The sweet tartness works well with salty flavours.
Gimmie Gimmie
Sold out – 2013 $19.90 at Dan Murphy’s.
Value – fair.
High Bronze – juicy aged riesling.
Pinnable Image:
Comments make my day – so tell me – What’s your hot day go-to-drink? Have your say below!