Forest Hill Great Southern Riesling 2009 Wine Tasting Review

Forest Hill Great Southern Riesling 2009 Wine Tasting Review

Some days are better than others.

Some days we need the “third space” more than others.

For us, it’s our little daily, warm weather tradition of aperitivo on the back deck each afternoon after work. Sunset, pets, snacks, and the wine of the day can do wonders to ease worries. It is the perfect “third space” that we all need. 

The “third space” is that brain-reset space in between work and home which we all need.

What’s your “third space”? Or, will you start having one?


Forest Hill Great Southern Riesling 2009 Wine Tasting Review

Forest Hill Great Southern Riesling 2009. Photo: Willunga Wino


Forest Hill Great Southern Riesling 2009 Wine Tasting Review

Well Looky Here

Light bush-flower-honey yellow.

Sniff Sniff

A touch of classic aged riesling development – that kerosene-like nose.  There’s just a hint of pretty florals when you give it a vigorous swirl and place your schnoz deep into your glass. Toasted coconut there too.

Sip Sip

Crisp, juicy, sharp, green apple. Freshly cut grassiness, and a bit of toastiness, like  the roast almonds in a piece of nougat.

The juicy acid carries the toasty flavour on and on.

Nom Nom

Drink with pungent, oozy, aged and washed rind French goat cheese, quince paste and Tuckers Supergrains crackers.

Gimmie Gimmie

Sold out.

12% alcohol.


Value – good.

High bronze – quite drinkable.


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